CNC machine services

We are specialized in repairing machine centers, wood or metal planers, different kinds of electronic components.

More about CNC machine services


We offer to update existent CNC machine with the installation of the new CNC controllers, servo drives and main drives.

More about retrofitting

Hurco Machine repair service

Servis strojev HURCO se izvaja v garancijskem in izven garancijskem roku z uporabo orginalnih delov firme Hurco.

More about repair service

More than 20 years of experience in electrical engineering, CNC machine services and automation of machines.


We offer services such as:

  • CNC machine services – Services on machine centers, wood or metal planers and we are also authorized Hurco service.

  • Repairing electronic devices on CNC machines (servo drives, main drives, servo motors (Siemens, Yaskawa)

  • Automation on machines and devices with upgrading additional equipment for numeric control

  • Retrofitting: updating CNC machine with the installation new CNC controller on existent CNC machines such as CNC lathes, CNC machine centers for planes in wood and metal industry

Contact us

Osebni podatki poslani v tem spletnem obrazcu ne bodo shranjeni v nobeno podatkovno zbirko, ampak bodo poslani zgolj na elektronski naslov Elmint d.o.o. in bodo uporabljeni izrecno in samo za namen obdelave predmeta zaradi katerega nas kontaktirate, potem pa bodo izbrisani. Osebni podatki ne bodo uporabljeni v nikakršne promocijske namene, ne bodo uporabljeni za nadaljnjo obdelavo in ne bodo posredovani tretji osebi.

Elmint d.o.o.
Zoranina ulica 28, 1234 Mengeš, Slovenija